The Campaign Map
The campaign map provided with SoK is larger than A3 and for
playing purposes there will be four maps each showing a quarter of the full map
together with a map of the central sector. A smaller scale overview map will also be provided.
Territories held by participating nations will be colour
coded on the larger scale maps which will be updated at the end of each move. A
key to the colour code will be published in a later post. Here are the blank maps
Any territory which will not be coloured is assumed to be neutral. Spain
and Portugal and Switzerland are shown but can not be entered.
Each territory also has a number e.g. “United Provinces 2” .
This is the economic value of the territory and the amount of economic units it normally
gives the owner at the beginning of any move.
The path of sea travel is shown as a schematic in the North Eastern
corner of the map. It shows the path of sea travel so to get from England to America you
would go east Atlantic-west Atlantic – America .
The territories bordering each sea area are shown and troops
can be landed in the area to transport fleet.
The following may not be invaded by sea, Turkey, Northern
Russia, Sweden, Prussia, Austria, northern France, southern France, England, Scotland (except if the Jacobites
are active).