Monday, 26 August 2013

Deadlines etc for Winter 741

Information as circulated with your end of Summer briefings

Builds and moves for Winter 1741 by midnight on September 8th
Please state
a) Build location
b) Movements showing troops remaining in start province in brackets and then state destination and movuing force
Lancashire (1inf) to Yorkshire SG8, 1 Gd, 4 inf, 1 HC, 1 Art
Derbyshire (2inf 1 Art) to Yorkshire 2 Inf 2 HC, 1 Art
Nottingham (1 Inf) to Derbyshire 3 Inf  (which will make Derbyshire 5 Inf 1 Art)
If you don't name a province, I will assume the current garrison is standing unchanged.
Please try to list units in a moving force in the following order.
Generals, Gd/Gren Inf, Line Inf, Skirmishing Infantry (e.g. Grenzers) Gd Cav, Cuirassier Cav, HC, LC, Art

Provision of Generals

Provision of Generals

From Winter 1741, in addition to the original Generals you are moving with your forces, any force of at least 4 units without a General, will be deemed to be under the conttrol of an SG7.  In any conflict any number of SG6 can be appointed (presumably from senior regimental officers) to meet the needs of the situation but must command a brigade of at least 3 units. 

In Winter moves each player may either create another SG 7 to move with their forces or may promote one existing SG7 to an SG8. The location of the new SG7 or the promoted SG8 must be stated

Season Clarification

Season Clarification

Following a query from the King of France


 Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. Builds made*.These Build Rules still stand Please note the last paragraph From Spring 1742 include  Upgrades (see 4th pragraph)


Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. Builds made*


Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined.  These winter rules still stand  See also the post "Upgrading generals" (yet to be written

*However to streamline things you will be asked to spend your Spring income when I ask for your Summer moves and you will be asked to spend your Summer income when I ask for your Winter moves .

Stockholm Burns

European Guardian

Stockholm August 25th 1741

Stockholm Burns
Pomerania Saved

The armies of  Sweden clashed today on the plains north of Stockholm. Although outnumbering the invading Russians by 25 percent and holding strong defensive positions behind field wall and the ramparts of Stockholm itself, the Swedes through away their advantage in a series of impetuous cavalry charges which denied with the possibility of exposing the Russian cavalry  to flanking fire. What was left of the Swedish army retreated westwards towards the safety of Norway 

To the south, a smaller Swedish army stood off an English incursion into Pomerania although the English were able to retire to Mecklenberg with no significant losses.

The Empress of Russia deploys her forces

Frederick of Sweden deploys his

Before contemplating his moves

While the Czarina loses all dignity in encouraging her infantry forward

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Sweden Awaits

European Guardian

Stockholm August 21st 1741

Sweden awaits Russian onslaught
(From our Northern Correspondent)

Nervousness is apparent in the population of Stockholm as word from Swedish cavalry outposts reaches the court of King Frederick that the invading Russian army is only four days march away. 

However Frederick has summoned up the martial spirit of his ancestor Gustavus Adolphus and he has mustered a sizeable force to defend the capital

The environs of Stockholm


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Random Event explained

Random Event Mechanism

D10 to establish the number of  Random Events

D100 to establish which of the 100 provinces are affected

2D6 to determine the events from a list in SoK. 
Scores of 2 and 12  = no effect 
There's a 25% chance it will be a beneficial event but some of the unfortunate ones are worse than others. There's a 5% chance that corrupt officials will cost you 25% of your income in your home territories     .

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Breaking News: Summer 1741

Breaking News: Summer 1741

Europe descends into chaos

France at odds with Austria and Prussia. 
Bold expansion plans may mean war. 
Battle looms over Savoy in the south 
and Baden and Berg in the north.

Sweden faces partition between England and Russia
All Swedish provinces are invaded

Turkish influence expands 
but corrupt officials cost it a quarter of it income 
Persian depravations still trouble it southern border

England consolidates hold on India 
but has problems containing natives in Canada

Prussia consolidates hold on northern Europe.

Famine in Northern France

Disease in Southern Russia and Venetia

Bumper harvest in Poland