Thursday, 28 November 2013

European Guardian Spring 1742
First Edition

Turkish Cartographer Executed

Sultan Ali 1 has ruthlessly executed his cartographer following his failure to guide the Turkish horde to the gates of Moscow. Instead his vast force is languishing in the vastnesses of Central Russia with only the steppe ponies for company.

Russian Domination of Scandinavia Complete

The last stand of the Swedish Nationalists

Russian forces now stand overlooking the North Atlantic from the Norwegian fjords. At the same time insurrection in Stockholm has been put down and its hold on Sweden in consolidated

Jacobite rebellion finally crushed

The last remnants of the Jacobite Rabble

The hopes of the Stuart Pretender to regain the English Crown have come to naught. There has been a ruthless purging of the Jacobites and the Pretender himself was forced to flee disguised as a woman.

Caught on i-phone
The pretender slips past British grenadiers

Franco-Austro-Prussian Confused Merry-Go-Round
Armies on the move in Central Europe and Northern Italy

European Guardian correspondents report German principalities changing hands almost daily as French, Austrian and Prussian armies march into and out of places like Baden, Berg and Franconia.  Elise von Pullapint who keeps the Soldier's Rest in Frankfurt said There has to be a battle soon"

And from further south there are rumours of an impending Austro-French battle over Milan.

New Rule: The Waterloo Situation

The Waterloo Situation

When a province is attacked from two directions by the same or allied forces and the defender chooses to fight the incoming forces may not be a unified force as battle commences.

We have such a situation in Spring 1742. It has not occurred before

If I give the defender the opportunity to attack one force first and then the other its unfair on the invader whose forces might have had time to unite.

Rule to be applied in all such situations.

To establish whether the attacker has unified his forces or whether the second army is arriving late

Campaign Master's Score of D6 -2.
Adjusted scores of 0 and -1 =. armies united. Defender faces both from the start of the batttle
Adjusted scores 1 to 4 = Moves into the game before the second force arrives at the table edge. Full move on next move.  

Depending on the Campaign Master's interpretation of the map this edge may be a flank in the attacker's half but the defender will be have been advised which flank by his scouts/local population.

Thursday, 21 November 2013