The rulers of two nations have told me "It's your campaign, so you are God"
However the cosmos has rules and I appear to have erred against its physics, in one case at least, to the disadvantage of a Ruler.
1) I have enforced, am in the process of enforcing, a rule that a force out of supply must withdraw to its home bases. However It appears that it can choose to remain isolated (but of course it cannot be reinforced)
Any force finding itself out of supply from the start of Spring 1743 now may opt to stay in the province it is per SoK
I need also to point out that a unit in a province with a coast remains "in supply" if there is a fleet in the adjacent sea zone.
2) In the battle between Russia and Turkey, I allowed the bulk of the Russian force to huddle in the capital, effectively taking the siege option when actually it had elected to fight. It has been pointed out that when I was in a similar position in the previous campaign, I was only allowed to place a limited proportion of my force in fortifications.
Had the Russian force faced the Turkish force in the field the result could have been very different and Turkey has been disadvantaged by my bad decision
I am therefore ruling as follows
The Turkish force is now out of supply. As advised at the end of the game, it must withdraw towards a home base. It is aware it's route back is occupied and conflict is highly likely otherwise it would not be cut off However as compensation for my error, the Russian force in the capital may not come out and pursue. The Turkish force will have to take its chances with whatever lies in its path alone. Russia retains its income from its capital province which it would otherwise lose.
Not the most satisfactory of compromises but the best I can think of.
3) Supply of Generals
All the games played so far have been hindered by the number of "6" generals. I hadn't advised of the option that a "7" general could be bought at the same price as a unit, although I had said that a new "7" could be created or a "7" be promoted to an "8" or an "8" promoted to a "9" in the winter move.
So from Spring 1743 (next build period) generals may be purchased. In addition, because we are now 6 moves in and I hadn't offered the option, as an "act of God" I am giving all nations one extra "7" general immediately. assume it's one of your "6s" who has passed a "boy done good" roll . Please advise as to his location when you submit moves.
4) To Generate more games.
Where medium size armies meet (say 10 to 15 units) if both players agree the number of units can be doubled to give a (assume each regiment has two battalions)
I will now wait for the sound of my altars being smashed across Euirope.
Up to date individual locations spread sheets to follow. It's winter, so your treasury grows but there are no builds.
Moves by close of play March 2nd including general promotion and new general location.
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