This is a record of a wargames campaign set in the middle years of the 18th century. The campaign rules are derived from the Sport of Kings campaign mechanisms from Warfare in the Age of Reason. Any tabletop battles will be played to the Black Powder rules modified by the Last Argument of Kings supplement
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013
European Guardian Spring 1742
First Edition
Turkish Cartographer Executed
Sultan Ali 1 has ruthlessly executed his cartographer following his failure to guide the Turkish horde to the gates of Moscow. Instead his vast force is languishing in the vastnesses of Central Russia with only the steppe ponies for company.
Russian Domination of Scandinavia Complete
The last stand of the Swedish Nationalists
Russian forces now stand overlooking the North Atlantic from the Norwegian fjords. At the same time insurrection in Stockholm has been put down and its hold on Sweden in consolidated
Jacobite rebellion finally crushed
The last remnants of the Jacobite Rabble
The hopes of the Stuart Pretender to regain the English Crown have come to naught. There has been a ruthless purging of the Jacobites and the Pretender himself was forced to flee disguised as a woman.
Caught on i-phone
The pretender slips past British grenadiers
Franco-Austro-Prussian Confused Merry-Go-Round
Armies on the move in Central Europe and Northern Italy
European Guardian correspondents report German principalities changing hands almost daily as French, Austrian and Prussian armies march into and out of places like Baden, Berg and Franconia. Elise von Pullapint who keeps the Soldier's Rest in Frankfurt said There has to be a battle soon"
And from further south there are rumours of an impending Austro-French battle over Milan.
New Rule: The Waterloo Situation
The Waterloo Situation
When a province is attacked from two directions by the same or allied forces and the defender chooses to fight the incoming forces may not be a unified force as battle commences.
We have such a situation in Spring 1742. It has not occurred before
If I give the defender the opportunity to attack one force first and then the other its unfair on the invader whose forces might have had time to unite.
Rule to be applied in all such situations.
To establish whether the attacker has unified his forces or whether the second army is arriving late
Campaign Master's Score of D6 -2.
Adjusted scores of 0 and -1 =. armies united. Defender faces both from the start of the batttle
Adjusted scores 1 to 4 = Moves into the game before the second force arrives at the table edge. Full move on next move.
Depending on the Campaign Master's interpretation of the map this edge may be a flank in the attacker's half but the defender will be have been advised which flank by his scouts/local population.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Phases of 1742
Phases of 1742: Clarification
1) Spring Builds
As I managed to get us in a muddle, this is for clarification.
I will not ask for builds and moves together this time round
Umpire determines random events and advises the affected nation, in case there are provinces where he cannot build or affects income
Players asked to spend their resources on new units and advise the Umpire where they are to placed.
Players may promote one general one grade. i.e. Create a 7 or move a 7 to 8 or an 8 to 9. Location to be named.
(Assume he was promoted in the capital at New Year. It's taken until to spring to arrive at the posting.
2) Spring Movement
Umpire publishes list of random events which might hamper movement
Players submit movement
3) Spring Consequences and Results
4) Summer Builds
Umpire determines random events and advises the affected nation, in case there are provinces where he cannot build or affects income
Players asked to spend their resources on new units and advise the Umpire where they are to placed.
5) Summer Moves
Umpire publishes list of random events which might hamper movement
Players submit movement
6) Summer Consequences and Results
7) Winter No builds
Umpire determines random events and advises the affected nation, in case there are provinces where income affected. Otherwise income banked
8) Winter Moves
Umpire publishes list of random events which might hamper movement
Players submit movement
9) Winter Consequences and Results
Sunday, 20 October 2013
European Guardian: Winter 1741: Final Edition
Russian fire power too much for the Swedish army
Sweden now spelled Швеция
Frederick's last throw ends in tragedy
After losing Stockholm to the Russian invaders in the Summer of 1741, Frederick I of Sweden pulled in all his remaining forces from Norway and Pomerania together in a desperate attempt to liberate his capital and retain his monarchy. It was not to be as his army disintegrated in a short sharp battle. Frederick is now a lonely figure seeking sanctuary in the Royal Courts of Europe.
Frederick, without an army, flees the battlefield
Russia hold on the Europe's northern flank is consolidated.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
European Guardian: Winter 1741
European Guardian Winter 1741
Jacobite insurgents crushed
The "Yes" Campaign tries to make a point
The armies of King George, who had stationed a moderate sized force in Scotland reacted firmly when the Jacobites sioaught a referendum on Scots Independence. After a short battle a quarter of the clansmen fell while the others disappeared into the Highland fastness. King George, who is commanding here personally knows he will have to pursue them ruthlessly for one more season at least.
Turkey Nibbles at Southern Ukraine and Kiev
Ottomans march nrth
Taking full advantage of Russia's preoccupation with swallowing up little Sweden far to the marched into Kiev and the Southern Ukraine meeting little resistance. It might have been stopped if the Czarina hadn't inadvertantly concentrated her southern garrison in Burkovina
Swnngs and roundabouts in Italy
Austrian Artillery in Modena
With her troops in Venetia quarantined by the presence of disease in the province, Maria Theresa was unable to reinforce her army in Milan and has conceded it to the French although the Austrian force in Milan slipped south to secure a new base in Modena With Venetia now free from plague, are the French in Milan facing an attack from two flanks?
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
Deadlines etc for Winter 741
Information as circulated with your end of Summer briefings
Builds and moves for Winter 1741 by midnight on September 8th
Please state
a) Build location
b) Movements showing troops remaining in start province in brackets and then state destination and movuing force
Lancashire (1inf) to Yorkshire SG8, 1 Gd, 4 inf, 1 HC, 1 Art
Derbyshire (2inf 1 Art) to Yorkshire 2 Inf 2 HC, 1 Art
Nottingham (1 Inf) to Derbyshire 3 Inf (which will make Derbyshire 5 Inf 1 Art)
If you don't name a province, I will assume the current garrison is standing unchanged.
Please try to list units in a moving force in the following order.
Generals, Gd/Gren Inf, Line Inf, Skirmishing Infantry (e.g. Grenzers) Gd Cav, Cuirassier Cav, HC, LC, Art
Provision of Generals
Provision of Generals
From Winter 1741, in addition to the original Generals you are moving with your forces, any force of at least 4 units without a General, will be deemed to be under the conttrol of an SG7. In any conflict any number of SG6 can be appointed (presumably from senior regimental officers) to meet the needs of the situation but must command a brigade of at least 3 units.
In Winter moves each player may either create another SG 7 to move with their forces or may promote one existing SG7 to an SG8. The location of the new SG7 or the promoted SG8 must be stated
Season Clarification
Season Clarification
Following a query from the King of France
Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. Builds made*.These Build Rules still stand Please note the last paragraph From Spring 1742 include Upgrades (see 4th pragraph)
Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. Builds made*
Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. These winter rules still stand See also the post "Upgrading generals" (yet to be written
*However to streamline things you will be asked to spend your Spring income when I ask for your Summer moves and you will be asked to spend your Summer income when I ask for your Winter moves .
Following a query from the King of France
Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. Builds made*.These Build Rules still stand Please note the last paragraph From Spring 1742 include Upgrades (see 4th pragraph)
Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. Builds made*
Moves are sought and made. Conflicts determined. Revenues determined. These winter rules still stand See also the post "Upgrading generals" (yet to be written
*However to streamline things you will be asked to spend your Spring income when I ask for your Summer moves and you will be asked to spend your Summer income when I ask for your Winter moves .
Stockholm Burns
European Guardian
Stockholm August 25th 1741
Stockholm Burns
Pomerania Saved
The armies of Sweden clashed today on the plains north of Stockholm. Although outnumbering the invading Russians by 25 percent and holding strong defensive positions behind field wall and the ramparts of Stockholm itself, the Swedes through away their advantage in a series of impetuous cavalry charges which denied with the possibility of exposing the Russian cavalry to flanking fire. What was left of the Swedish army retreated westwards towards the safety of Norway
To the south, a smaller Swedish army stood off an English incursion into Pomerania although the English were able to retire to Mecklenberg with no significant losses.
The Empress of Russia deploys her forces
Frederick of Sweden deploys his
Before contemplating his moves
While the Czarina loses all dignity in encouraging her infantry forward
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Sweden Awaits
European Guardian
Stockholm August 21st 1741
Sweden awaits Russian onslaught
(From our Northern Correspondent)
However Frederick has summoned up the martial spirit of his ancestor Gustavus Adolphus and he has mustered a sizeable force to defend the capital
The environs of Stockholm
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Random Event explained
Random Event Mechanism
D10 to establish the number of Random Events
D100 to establish which of the 100 provinces are affected
2D6 to determine the events from a list in SoK.
Scores of 2 and 12 = no effect
There's a 25% chance it will be a beneficial event but some of the unfortunate ones are worse than others. There's a 5% chance that corrupt officials will cost you 25% of your income in your home territories .
D10 to establish the number of Random Events
D100 to establish which of the 100 provinces are affected
2D6 to determine the events from a list in SoK.
Scores of 2 and 12 = no effect
There's a 25% chance it will be a beneficial event but some of the unfortunate ones are worse than others. There's a 5% chance that corrupt officials will cost you 25% of your income in your home territories .
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Breaking News: Summer 1741
Breaking News: Summer 1741
Europe descends into chaos
France at odds with Austria and Prussia.
Bold expansion plans may mean war.
Battle looms over Savoy in the south
and Baden and Berg in the north.
Sweden faces partition between England and Russia
All Swedish provinces are invaded
Turkish influence expands
but corrupt officials cost it a quarter of it income
Persian depravations still trouble it southern border
England consolidates hold on India
but has problems containing natives in Canada
Prussia consolidates hold on northern Europe.
Famine in Northern France
Disease in Southern Russia and Venetia
Bumper harvest in Poland
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
News Spring 1741
The Europe Guardian
Spring 1741
Page 1
Plucky Sweden hammered East and West
Tiny Sweden, little more than a minor power, has suffered attack in the east from Russia who poured a major offensive into Finland.
After a brief skirmish around a minor fortress the Swedes were lucky to escape with all their forces intact
The Swedish rearguard hold back the Russians while the army escapes
Meanwhile in the west, although it managed to bring Norway under its wing, it suffered a reverse in its attempt to seize Mecklenberg where it gave way to an invading English force pushing out from Hanover.
France gambles on abandoning colonies
Louis XV has begun the campaigning season with a bold gesture. He has withdrawn all his forces from his colonial possessions, happily leaving them to an English takeover.
His concentrated European armies have marched into Savoy, where two regiments of Savoyards flocked to his colours. Lorraine and the Palatinate. although unrest here means that although he has recruited an extra regiment, unrest in the province will deny him its income and he cannot post new units there.
more controversialy Louis has also thrust into the Austrian Netherlands where the garrison, mistaking him for an ally has thrown in its lot with the Bourbon.
French infantry welcomed by the ladies of the Austrian Netherlands
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Headlines Spring 1741
European Times
Spring 1741
Spring 1741
France abandons colonial ambitions:
England fills the void
Austrian Netherlands overwhelmed
Prussia consolidates in Northern Europe
Sweden faces double threat
Ottoman armies surge North:
Transylvania converts to Islam
Russia eyes Finland
Plague in Westphalia
Spring 1741: Results
Spring 1741: Results
All Powers had their orders in before the deadline
Points of conflict have been identified, the impact of entering neutral minor countries calculated (using the same criteria if invading a Power with overwhelming odds) and gains and losses quantified.
All Powers have been sent briefings on their current position.
Three Powers need to advise me as to their actions where there is conflict of interest. I doubt any are large enough to generate a tabletop clash.
I will neither request information on builds or set a Summer 1741 deadline until the conflicts have been dealt with.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Attacking minor Countries
Attacking Minor Countries
Before any conflict is resolved, I have decided to vary the procedure for calculating the issue of moving into a neutral territory.
In Consequences of Movement in Move Sequence Two Movement Phase I realise there is ambiguity and perhaps contradiction between sections A and B about moving into neutral territory.
I am therefore reverting to the Attacking Minor Countries Table as provided in SoK. It will be easier to be consistent in methodolgy.
What you need to be aware of is that you need to enter a neutral province with at least the equivalent of it's strength points. In this round no power loses a unit for entering a province where they are at a disadvantage but they may have been rebuffed.
My apologies for changing it but as I'm God......
Before any conflict is resolved, I have decided to vary the procedure for calculating the issue of moving into a neutral territory.
In Consequences of Movement in Move Sequence Two Movement Phase I realise there is ambiguity and perhaps contradiction between sections A and B about moving into neutral territory.
I am therefore reverting to the Attacking Minor Countries Table as provided in SoK. It will be easier to be consistent in methodolgy.
What you need to be aware of is that you need to enter a neutral province with at least the equivalent of it's strength points. In this round no power loses a unit for entering a province where they are at a disadvantage but they may have been rebuffed.
My apologies for changing it but as I'm God......
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Spring 1741: Deadlines
All Players have submitted their initial dispositions.
They have been gleaning information from travellers crossing the border from adjacent provinces and they are aware of any significant military movement nearby. They have not heard about less significant movements.
This is a time for diplomacy.
The deadline for movement orders is 24:00 on July 13th.
All Players have submitted their initial dispositions.
They have been gleaning information from travellers crossing the border from adjacent provinces and they are aware of any significant military movement nearby. They have not heard about less significant movements.
This is a time for diplomacy.
The deadline for movement orders is 24:00 on July 13th.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Naval Matters
Although only two nations start with a naval contingent, any nation can build a fleet and, following a query from a naval power, it is necessary to lay down the ground rules (sea rules?) now. There may be one detail I've changed since an initial informal discussion with one player. These rules below stand. They further clarify comment on sea travel in Campaign Map
Combat Fleets and Transport Fleets may be built in the build phase
Combat Fleets can fight but not transport
Transport Fleets can transport up to 3 units but not fight
Fleet movement is along the defined routes as shown in the insert below from the SoK NE Map
Fleets move one sea zone a move.
There is no limit to the number of fleets in a zone
More than one nation may be present in a zone but there may be random generated combat
Land units may
a) embark and sail one zone or
b) sail one zone and disembark
There is no limit to the number of units that can disembark in a province held by the fleets nation
Only up to 3 infantry units may make an amphibious invasion and these may only be in the provinces shown in the sea route inset (i.e. those not in bold)
To be in supply disembarked units must have a chain of fleets back to land province that is in supply except that an amphibious landing may be in supply for one move after the landing.
Although only two nations start with a naval contingent, any nation can build a fleet and, following a query from a naval power, it is necessary to lay down the ground rules (sea rules?) now. There may be one detail I've changed since an initial informal discussion with one player. These rules below stand. They further clarify comment on sea travel in Campaign Map
Combat Fleets and Transport Fleets may be built in the build phase
Combat Fleets can fight but not transport
Transport Fleets can transport up to 3 units but not fight
Fleet movement is along the defined routes as shown in the insert below from the SoK NE Map
Fleets move one sea zone a move.
There is no limit to the number of fleets in a zone
More than one nation may be present in a zone but there may be random generated combat
Land units may
a) embark and sail one zone or
b) sail one zone and disembark
There is no limit to the number of units that can disembark in a province held by the fleets nation
Only up to 3 infantry units may make an amphibious invasion and these may only be in the provinces shown in the sea route inset (i.e. those not in bold)
To be in supply disembarked units must have a chain of fleets back to land province that is in supply except that an amphibious landing may be in supply for one move after the landing.
Saturday, 15 June 2013
These are as used in Ian's running of the previous campaign
1.Infantry columns may only form line by turning to the left
or right flank . Only Prussians may form column to the front.
2. A unit interpenetrating/interpenetrated loses ½ its move.
If there is insufficient move the unit is placed to the rear of the unit to be
3. No unit that has moved more than twice may fire.
4. Dragoons may fire mounted with a -1 modifier.
b) House Rules
1. Units may no longer move sideways. They may wheel or
echelon up to 45 degrees or move forward or backwards.
2. A unit or group blundering and being forced to move
sideways becomes disordered instead
3. Artillery making any move including unlimbering or
pivoting may not fire.
4. A general attempting to join a unit to rally it but
failing the test still joins the unit.
5. Evading.
If a charge
is declared on skirmishers it must declare if it intends to evade before the
charging unit tests. The charging unit then tests If it fails
the skirmisher needs not evade If the
charger succeeds the evader is moved 1 move and if the charger has sufficient
move it contacts the skirmisher in its rear.
6. Additions to the break test.
in flank by a charge that started behind the flank -2
Contacted in
rear by a charge that started behind rear
contacted by close order in melee -1
difference in melee winning test -1
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Militia and Fortresses
Militia and Fortresses: Evolving Rules
Can be raised in the capital and certain other provinces (as advised in each player's spreadsheet) if the province is invaded. They represent the local population press ganged into military service. They are not going to be paid so they come free. They go back to being civilians the moment enemy forces move out of the province. They cannot move into any other province.
There are 2 + D3 militia units that can be raised in a capital province and 1 + D3 that can be raised in any other province which can raise a militia.
Irrespective of any definitions of militia in any army list the following stats will apply
Militia H2H 5 Shooting 3 Morale 4+ Stamina 3. (Unless randominsed by special rule.
Special rules. Roll D6 for each unit On 1 Unreliable, On 2 Wavering. On 3 Untested On 4 Freshly Raised
Fortresses: Initial situation.
For free at the start Capitals have a Large Fort. Any other Militia Raising Province has a Small Fort.
Forts can by bought at the Build Phase from the first move on. Large Forts 10 eco units. Small Forts or upgrading Small to Large: 5 eco units
Monday, 3 June 2013
The Opening Bundle of Information
The Initial Bundle of Information
This may take a couple of days to prepare. I'm juggling between charts in WITAOR and BP(LAOK).
In the opening bundle, which will be in Excel format, a participant will be told his, Nation, Capital Province, Militia Raising Provinces and Other Provinces together with their economic value in Economic Units
There will be an initial treasury of strength points to be spent on units for his forces. At this stage they will cost 1 economic unit each. In any subsequent move economic units can be converted to military units at a cost of 5 economic units (plus purchasing any optional extra quality rules in the Spring build from the second full move onwards.)
Units may be purchased within given limits according to the BP (LAOK) army lists. The types and their BP stats are listed. The units come with the special rules given in the lists.
Many of these units may also have optional special rules which players may use to upgrade the quality of units. These may be purchased per unit at a cost of 2 economic units in the Spring move of any year after the first only. (The campaign will start in Spring 1741., so the first upgrade will be Spring 1742.)
Note also, that England and France begin with a free naval allocation.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Allocation has been done randomly but the results are:
The Empress Maria Theresa
played by
George III
played by
Louis XV
played by
Frederick II
played by
The Empress Elizabeth
played by
Frederick I
played by
Sultan Ali I
played by
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