Saturday, 15 June 2013


These are as used in Ian's running of the previous campaign                                                        

a) Variations from basic Black Powder as detailed in LAOK
1.Infantry columns may only form line by turning to the left or right flank . Only Prussians may form column to the front.

2. A unit interpenetrating/interpenetrated loses ½ its move. If there is insufficient move the unit is placed to the rear of the unit to be interpenetrated.

3. No unit that has moved more than twice may fire.

4. Dragoons may fire mounted with a -1 modifier.

b) House Rules

1. Units may no longer move sideways. They may wheel or echelon up to 45 degrees or move forward or backwards.

2. A unit or group blundering and being forced to move sideways becomes disordered instead 

3. Artillery making any move including unlimbering or pivoting may not fire.

4. A general attempting to join a unit to rally it but failing the test still joins the unit.

5. Evading.
If a charge is declared on skirmishers it must declare if it intends to evade before the charging unit   tests. The charging unit then tests If it fails the skirmisher needs not evade If the charger succeeds the evader is moved 1 move and if the charger has sufficient move it contacts the skirmisher in its rear.

6. Additions to the break test.
            Contacted in flank by a charge that started behind the flank -2
            Contacted in rear by a charge that started behind rear  -3
            Skirmishers contacted  by close order in melee  -1

            Each difference in melee winning test -1

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