Thursday, 6 June 2013

Militia and Fortresses

Militia and Fortresses: Evolving Rules

Can be raised in the capital and certain other provinces (as advised in each player's spreadsheet) if the province is invaded. They represent the local population press ganged into military service. They are not going to be paid so they come free. They go back to being civilians the moment enemy forces move out of the province. They cannot move into any other province.

There are 2 + D3 militia units that can be raised in a capital province and 1 + D3 that can be raised in any other province which can raise a militia.

Irrespective of any definitions of militia in any army list the following stats will apply

Militia H2H 5 Shooting  3 Morale 4+ Stamina 3. (Unless randominsed by special rule.
Special rules. Roll D6 for each unit On 1 Unreliable, On 2 Wavering. On 3  Untested On 4 Freshly Raised

Fortresses: Initial situation. 
For free at the start Capitals have a Large Fort. Any other Militia Raising Province has a Small Fort. 
Forts can by bought at the Build Phase from the first move on. Large Forts 10 eco units. Small Forts or upgrading Small to Large: 5 eco units

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