Sunday, 2 June 2013

Move Sequence 2 Movement Phase

Move Sequence 2 Movement Phase

After the build phase the players may move the units they have. Movement is very simple in that a unit or group of units  may move to an adjacent territory. A group of units may split up or combine as the player wishes. Fleets move in the same way as land forces except that transport fleets may carry up to 3 units.

Movement is reported to the Campaign Master discretely by the deadline given.

Consequences of Movement
A)    If an entered territory does not contain any forces, the territory is captured and the economic value goes to the capturing player. (Remember to retain the territory at least 1 unit must remain in it.)
B)    The entered territory contains enemy or neutral units. Initially all neutral territories contain a number of units equal to their economic value. The enemy units have the option of retreating . Neutrals do not and a die throw is made to decide whether they remain neutral, are destroyed by the invader at a cost to the invader not exceeding the number of neutral units +1 randomly determined, or whether they disband and slink into the countryside. If both forces remain in the territory and there is no fortress present (see fortresses below) a battle is fought. However the battle has only a small number of units it may be determined by the Campaign Master making a die roll that will give a result. NB if the strength in units is 50/50 there is a 50% chance of failure.  If a battle is fought on table see section on tabletop battles below.
C)    If two forces from a major power enter the same territory a battle is fought unless one of the forces opts to retreat. If any neutral forces are in the territory a die throw is made to decide if they remain neutral or side with one force or another.
D)    If 2 forces in an adjacent provinces each move to the other province (eg for example if a force from Warsaw moves to Poland and a force from Poland moves to Warsaw) a die roll is made to see which province the battle is fought in
E)     Troops can invade a territory from transport ships. No more than 3 units may invade a territory per move. The seaborne invasions take place after any naval battles. The defending player gets additional benefits if facing a naval invasion.
F)     Retreat before combat..If a force elects to retreat before combat the cavalry strength of both the offensive and retreating forces are determined. If the offensive player has cavalry superiority a die throw is made depending on the superiority and the retreating force may take casualties. A retreating force can only move to a friendly or allied controlled area, if it is unable to do this it is destroyed

The Campaign Master will advise each player of the consequences of his movement and any options available to him.  

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